Diverse Consulting & Training Services
MPSI has extensive consulting and training experience on an international basis, so if your requirements include operations outside the US you can be confident that we will address your needs seamlessly. Countries in which we have performed consulting work include US, Canada, Mexico, China, Japan, Korea, and Saudi Arabia. Our fields of expertise include materials science, petrochemical, general manufacturing, environmental, and pharmaceutical industries. Professional societies in which we participate include ASTM, ASMS, AACC, IFPAC, and ISA.
Review & improvementWe perform analytical process review to verify data compliance with QA/QC requirements and other stated objectives making recommendations for process improvement. Where necessary we can extend this into the design, fabrication, testing, and installation of instrument improvements.
LaboratoryWe evaluate and where necessary develop new optimized analytical methods and improvements of existing instrumentation. We have experience with verification and validation procedures for FDA and have performed 510(k) projects for medical equipment.
Process AnalyticalMPSI has performed field commissioning and training for process analytical instruments on a world-wide basis with consistently successful results. We have process analytical tools including gas chromatographs to provide further value to the customer.